Enoki Docs

Enoki SDK Examples

The following examples highlight some common workflows for onboarding users using Enoki.

Use Enoki for client-side zkLogin

Enoki offers public API keys so you can integrate client-side authentication with zkLogin. To do so:

  1. Log in to the Enoki Portal and select the desired app from your team's dashboard.

  2. Create a public API key enabled for zkLogin and the network you want to target.

  3. Use the dashboard to add an auth provider and configure the Client ID value it provides.

  4. Handle the sign in from your client-side application. The following example handles zkLogin with a Gmail account:

    import { useEnokiFlow } from '@mysten/enoki/react';
    export default function Example() {
    	const enokiFlow = useEnokiFlow();
    	const handleSignIn = () => {
    		const protocol = window.location.protocol;
    		const host = window.location.host;
    		// Set the redirect URL to the location that should
    		// handle authorization callbacks in your app
    		const redirectUrl = `${protocol}//${host}/auth`;
    				provider: 'google',
    				network: 'testnet',
    				clientId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID!,
    				extraParams: {
    					scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
    			.then((url) => {
    				window.location.href = url;
    			.catch((error) => {
  5. Use an auth callback page to handle redirect after a successful log in:

    import { useAuthCallback } from "@mysten/enoki/react";
    const AuthPage = () => {
    const { handled } = useAuthCallback();
    useEffect(() => {
        if (handled) {
         // Get access token, perform security checks,
         // manage user session, handle errors, and so on.
         window.location.href = "/";
    }, [handled]);
    return <Spinner />;
    export default AuthPage;

To sponsor and execute transactions in your backend service using client-side signatures:

  1. Log in to the Enoki Portal and select the desired app from your team's dashboard.

  2. Create a private API key enabled for Sponsored Transactions and the networks you want to target.

  3. Create an Enoki client in your backend service using the key you create in the previous step.

    Keep your secret key in an env variable and take care not to expose it publicly.

    import { EnokiClient } from '@mysten/enoki';
    export const enokiClient = new EnokiClient({
    	apiKey: process.env.ENOKI_SECRET_KEY!,
  4. Create a new Transaction, include all the transactions and convert it to transactionBytes (Uint8Array). The following example sets the kiosk owner and transfers the kioskOwnerCap to the recipient.

    const tx = new Transaction();
    	target: '0x2::kiosk::set_owner_custom',
    	arguments: [tx.object(kioskId), tx.object(user.kioskOwnerCapId), tx.pure(recipient)],
    tx.transferObjects([tx.object(user.kioskOwnerCapId)], recipient);
    const txBytes = await tx.build({
    	client: suiClient,
    	onlyTransactionKind: true,
  5. Make a call to the enokiClient to sponsor the transaction. The response returned will be the bytes and digest of the transaction, which is later used to execute the transaction:

    const resp = await enokiClient.createSponsoredTransaction({
    	transactionKindBytes: toB64(txBytes),
    	sender: address,
    	allowedMoveCallTargets: ['0x2::kiosk::set_owner_custom'],
    	allowedAddresses: [recipient],

    Set the sender of the transaction, include the move call you are going to invoke in the allowedMoveCallTargets field and the recipient (if any) in the allowedAddresses field. You can also configure these values in the Enoki Portal project dashboard.

  6. Execute the sponsored transaction. You need both the user’s signature and the digest to execute the transaction. The previous call returns the digest but you must collect the signature from the user. Assuming the user session is on the client side, you need to return the transaction bytes to the client and collect the signature as shown:

    import { useEnokiFlow } from '@mysten/enoki/react';
    export default function Example() {
    	const enokiFlow = useEnokiFlow();
       const signTransaction = async() => {
          const signer = await enokiFlow.getKeypair();
          // Your API creates `bytes` from the user signature your frontend collects
          const signature = await signer.signTransaction(fromB64(bytes));
          if (!signature) {
             throw new Error('Error signing transaction block');

    The code snippet gets the bytes value from the createSponsoredTransaction() response, which it uses to collect the user signature. The code then needs to return that signature to the backend service, along with the digest, to execute the transaction:

    const resp = await enokiClient.executeSponsoredTransaction({

Backend sponsor, execute, and sign transactions

When sponsoring, executing, and signing transactions from a backend, you don't need to transfer the transaction bytes to the client to get the signature. Instead, you can use the initial steps from the previous example to get the API key and create the Enoki client, then execute the following code from the backend:

const tx = new Transaction();
	target: '0x2::kiosk::set_owner_custom',
	arguments: [tx.object(kioskId), tx.object(kioskOwnerCapId), tx.pure(address)],
tx.transferObjects([tx.object(kioskOwnerCapId)], address);
const txBytes = await tx.build({
	client: suiClient,
	onlyTransactionKind: true,
const sponsored = await enokiClient.createSponsoredTransaction({
	transactionKindBytes: toB64(txBytes),
	sender: getAddress(process.env.ADMIN_SECRET_KEY!),
	allowedMoveCallTargets: [
	allowedAddresses: [address],
const signer = getSigner(process.env.ADMIN_SECRET_KEY!);
const { signature } = await signer.signTransaction(fromB64(sponsored.bytes));
await enokiClient.executeSponsoredTransaction({
	digest: sponsored.digest,

The backend service executes this code without the need to transfer from server side to client side, because the backend stores the signer.

Migrating a dApp to Mainnet

During dApp development, you typically implement the Enoki workflows in these examples on one of the Sui development networks, Testnet or Devnet. Before migrating an Enoki-enhanced dApp from development networks to Mainnet, check that:

  • You set the network parameter that might be passed to the enokiClient.createAuthorizationURL or to the enokiClient.createSponsoredTransaction functions is set to mainnet.
  • In the Enoki Portal, make sure you have Mainnet enabled in the networks list for the API keys that are used for the sponsorship.

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