Enoki Developer Portal FAQGeneral What is Enoki?How can I sign up?Why can’t I see pricing or subscription options?Why can’t I pay for my subscription in SUI?What if I want to add additional people to my team?I need some help, where can I get it? zkLogin What credential providers are available?Can we add private SSO/OAuth credentials to zkLogin?How do I avoid creating different wallets for users on different devices?Can my users edit or download the salt?How do I secure client IDs for my apps against compromise? Sponsored transactions What are sponsored transactions?Do sponsored transaction credits expire?What is a sponsored transaction provisioning fee? Sui Name Service When will this be ready? Technical FAQs Are there rate limits?Is the Enoki SDK supported in Node (backend set up)?Why would I want to use a backend set up?What are the allowed addresses and move call targets in the Sponsored Transaction section?PreviousEnoki API Specification